The first two days of IndieJunior Allianz in 4 minutes

From Preschool to Secondary, students from Porto schools have filled the rooms in the various srceenings of this second edition of IndieJunior Allianz.

On the first day we started with 9 animation shorts aimed at the preschool audience.
This was a screening integrated in the iniciative I Program a Film Festival!, made in partnership with the Parallel Program of the Rivoli Theater, which premiered in this second edition of IndieJunior Allianz.

To tell us about the experience of choosing films for the festival, these students-programmers of the preschool class of the French Lycée, from educator Helena António, were at the sreening.

Still in the Rivoli Theater, but in the afternoon, it was time to talk with the students of the 9th grade class of the Luso Francés College, under the guidance of the teacher Ana Domingos, to learn how they selected the films with which they created this screening for the 3rd cycle .

On the second day of IndieJunior Allianz the rooms were filled with students from 1st cycle to high school and 4 screenings of different films, including a screening with an interpreter in Portuguese Sign Language.

And here and here you can see the videos of these first two days!