“Sounds of Freedom” | FILM-CONCERT

O Som do Algodão is written by women. Two women, a narrator and a musician, who explore the potential of two bodies on a single stage, finding new ways to share art, the plasticity of words and sound exploration with family audiences. Created in 2012, O Som do Algodão brings together stories and music, body and word, and for this special concert film, it sets out to unpack the sounds that make up our musical heritage from April 25. A show in which sound and narrative exploration frame the projection of two particular films. Pela Primeira Vez is a documentary by Octavio Cortázar, with live voice-over, which describes a group of peasants going to the movies for the very first time. The Adventurer by Charlie Chaplin, is the story of a prison break and a rescue with a lot of pride, races and confusion in between. It promises to be a special end-of-festival screening!

Age: 6+ years old.



Sunday the 28th: 16H15, BATALHA | ROOM 1.


*Photo by © Diogo Meira.
