Registration open for the Preview for teachers

Dear teachers of Greater Porto,

The time for our first annual meeting has come: the Preview of the IndieJunior Porto 2023 School Programme, to be held on the 10th of November, Thursday, at 6pm, at Casa Comum – Reitoria da Universidade do Porto.

A meeting for teachers and educators, where we will present some of the activities of the school program of the next edition, as well as disclose first-hand part of the films that make up the school program of the festival.

We intend the event to create a moment of meeting, reflection and sharing about cinema and school, about festivals as a place of access not only to students, but also to teachers, so that they can get to know a set of films that deal with very relevant and fracturing issues at school ages. And through shared examples of how cinema can be more present in school life.

A very special evening in which we hope to count on your presence 🙂

To confirm your participation, just click on the following button and fill in the form. If you are unable to do so, you can register by sending an e-mail to [email protected] with your name, e-mail address and school name until the 9th of November (Wednesday).


IndieJunior Porto 2023 Schools Preview
Date: 10th of November 2023
Time: 18:00-19:30 (1:30 duration)
Venue: Casa Comum – Reitoria da Universidade do Porto
Capacity: 70 participants
Organisation: IndieJúnior Porto and Casa Comum – Reitoria da Universidade do Porto